The future is visible

A new world
you wear all day

smallest and most efficient RGB laserchip

Ready for mass volumes

Demonstrator available

 Read our Whitepaper “Small and Scalable RGB Laser Engine for Augmented Reality”

smallest and most efficient RGB laserchip

We manufacture the ultimate lasers for projection applications such as Augmented Reality

Why Brilliance?

Our laserchip enables our customers to overcome the challenges of miniaturization, integration, energy efficiency and overall comfort


10X smaller in size for comfort and style


20X lower power consumption for longer battery life


5X Brighter for outside AR use

A system on a single chip

Our patented integrated photonics platform allows ultimate integration of components needed for next generation AR glasses onto a single chip. Produced on wafer scale in regular semiconductor processes, so high quality and low cost are guaranteed.

Visual Silicon Nitride based Platform

Our patented silicon-nitride based platform and laser integration are based on >20 years of integrated photonics experience, offer technical superiority and allow high quality low cost volume production.

Ready to support your volume needs

Our waferscale integration approach opens the unique path to unprecedented optical performance, robustness and scalability.

Output power up to 100mW. Wavelengths 637nm, 520nm, 450nm or custom options.

Easily integrated into any projection device as an SMD component.

High volume wafer scale processing.

Impression of final size


  • Control over optical output properties (NA, circular elliptical, M2)
  • Eyetracking compatible, hermetically sealed & electrical connections at bottom
  • Fully integrated power monitoring, speckle reduction and various other options possible
  • Size: 5…20 mm2, thickness 1½ mm
  • Custom designs possible, e.g. with integrated sensors, multiple outputs or an additional infrared laser for eye tracking

Demonstrator available now



RGB laser chip on evaluation boards


Circular output beam with matched NA


Laser driver optional


Get In Touch

Interested in how Brilliance supports your AR application? Get in touch using the contact form below.

Brilliance B.V.
Hengelosestraat 500
7521AN, Enschede
The Netherlands

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